Wednesday, March 17, 2010

children merry camp 2010

went to fjh from saturday until yesterday night
so damn tired nehx
be gong wei in the camp
the camp start on monday and end on tuesday.
the children were okiex..
not too naught *luckly *
i very bushuang teacher always asked us
to practiced the performance again n again till 4-5am
get fever on first day night
not only me alone
still got another 4 ppl got fever too.
who's wrong?
ppl who ask us slept late la!
we did the camp quite well anyway =]

kookhao, weiliang, guanjie, jovy, zhanyi, jiaxian, yihan, juesheng, huanyou, junheng, weishiuh,

off to bed.
night oppa.