Tuesday, November 10, 2009

PRAY for them.

god bless them please.
they will b alright.
they must b alright.

pray for them pls.

i know that shocking news from dears.
my "half kaigor n his friend
were meet an accident and
they were still uncontious on the bed now.
yesterday only i still contact with him.
n he was happy to tell me that
he n his laopox was very good now.
it was a good news.
he really love his laopox.
ystd he told me a good new
and now i get a bad news.!
it shouldn't b like that.
gor must wake up,
there was a girl,
the girl that u care the most was worrying.
get better pls`!

pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray